City Commissioners selected the five finalists from a field of thirteen at a Special Commission Meeting held Wednesday, February 22nd.
All thirteen applicants were provided the opportunity to introduce themselves and speak for four minutes. Commissioners were provided the opportunity to ask a question of each applicant after their introduction. The Commissioners question and the applicant’s response was limited to one minute total.
Commissioners Choose Applicants
Each Commissioner chose one applicant to move forward in the process. The 5th applicant was chosen by all four Commissioners by consensus.
The five applicants moving forward are:
- Letitia Newbold
- Christopher Fischer
- Jennifer Garcia Kovacs
- John Michael Perez
- Christina (Chris) Landers
Vacant Seat Will Be Decided on March 1st
The Commission will make its final decision and appoint one applicant to the vacant seat at the March 1st City Commission Meeting.
The applicant appointed will serve until March 2024 when a special election must be held to fill the seat. This is required by the City Charter and the State of Florida.
The appointed applicant will be able to run in the special election, as well as any other candidate who may choose to run. The winner of the special election will then have to run again in the general election in November of 2024. The winner of the general election will then serve a regular four year term.
There will be three Commission seats up for election in 2024, as Mayor Aisha Gordon and Vice Mayor Mitch Rosenwald will be at the end of their current terms.