The Candidates For The Oakland Park City Commission 2022 are….


Two City Commission Seats Open Up

The Oakland Park City Commission is made up of five members. All commission members represent the city at large and serve a term of four years. Commission members may serve up to two consecutive terms. If they have served two terms, they must abstain from running again for two years. 

This year, two City Commissioners, Jane Bolin and current Mayor Michael Carn, will be leaving the dais. This opens up two seats on the City Commission that will need to be filled. 

Elections will be held in November and is going to tell you about those who have qualified for candidature. 

Meet the Candidates

The two newly elected Commissioners will be joining Matthew Sparks, Vice Mayor Aisha Gordon and Dr. Mitch Rosenwald.   

This year’s candidates are (in alphabetical order, by last name):

  • Steven R. Arnst
  • Fitzgerald Budhoo, Sr.
  • Coby Alexander King
  • Tim Lonergan
  • Kedner Maxime
  • Letitia Jan Newbold

The four candidates that withdrew were:

  • Astrid Dorsett
  • Sara Guevrekian
  • George Martos
  • Michelle Parrish-Green

Conversations With Candidates

The General Election will be held November 8, 2022. Before we head to the polling booth, will be hosting a series of interviews with each candidate, Conversations with Candidates. These interviews are designed to help Oakland Parkers learn more about the candidates and what they will bring to the City Commission. 

So stay tuned to for more information about candidate interviews and the November election.

Get Involved With Our City!

Don’t wonder what is happening in the great little City of Oakland Park, be a part of it! 

The City Commission meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

You can participate in person at:
City Hall
3650 NE 12th Avenue
City Commission Chambers
Oakland Park, FL 33334

Meetings are broadcast live on Comcast Channel 78, AT&T u-Verse Channel 99 and live streamed on the city’s website.


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