Oakland Park’s Pride Cheer Triumphs at Competition


Let's Get It Started in Here

On Saturday December 11, 2021 members of Oakland Park’s Pride Cheer traveled to West Palm Beach for the Diamond Cheer and Dance, Diamond’s Christmas Championship. 

The ambiance in the auditorium was of pure excitement.  The music was loud and the energy was high. Led by head coach, Coach Matt Kyser, and the other Pride coaches, Pride Cheer’s teams were ready to get things started! And there is no doubt why they were ready. They had worked hard for months to learn their routines and were eager to perform for the judges. In the end all their hard work paid off and Pride Cheer came home triumphant!

Bring It On!

The Pride Cheerleaders proudly showed off their skills to the judges starting in the early morning. Throughout the afternoon other teams performed. Periodically the competitors enjoyed a break with music, and good ol c’horeography like the Cupid Shuffle. After the break the performances resumed and Pride brought it! The proof is in the results as they brought home awards in several categories.

The Proof Is In the Results

The proof of Pride Cheer’s triumph is in the results. They brought home eight Champion awards and the Royal Bae troop even won a full paid bid winner to The One competition.  A full paid bid winner means that for The One competition all members of Royal Bae will have their $165 competition fee waived.

The other awards were either Superior or first level in their respective categories. In the end the competition was a true triumph for Oakland Park’s one and only cheer troop.

Up and Coming Competitions

Pride Cheer will be competing again in Fort Myers on January 15th, 2021. They have six other competitions after the East Coast Challenge in Fort Myers, with one, the Savannah Championship being held in Savannah Georgia on February 5th. 

For more information about Pride Cheer and becoming part of the Pride family, contact head coach Matthew Kyser at 954-299-9328 or by email at pride_cheerleading@yahoo.com . 


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