5 Actions to Take When You Feel Overwhelmed


When you are overwhelmed, it can feel like the walls are closing in on you and that you simply won’t be able to get done what you have planned. Feeling this way is certainly a modern condition. We have more to do than ever before and there are not more hours in a day.  It is important to be able to recognize when you are feeling this in order to keep it in check. If you don’t, it can ultimately cause more harm than good. While you want to work hard toward your goals you also want to be healthy enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor.  So when you feel overwhelmed, consider these 5 tips:

Take Charge and Prioritize!

Take take stock of what is making you feel overwhelmed, take charge and most importantly, prioritize. You may have taken on an excessive amount of work, and if you are anything like me, it never ends. More stuff just gets piled on top of more stuff.  So in order to avoid the feeling that at any moment you are going to go under because you just have too much to do, prioritize your tasks. Take a deep breath and tackle them one at a time. There is no use in trying to do 3, 4, 5 or 6 things at once because they will be done poorly and your inability to finish may leave you feeling more overwhelmed. So just do them one at a time, in order of priority. As more tasks get added, re-prioritize as necessary. Remember you are in charge, so take charge! 

Photo: Freepik

Streamline Your Schedule

You have full decision making power over how and where to invest your energy. However, don’t over invest and give yourself time for other things in your life such as friends and family. So streamline your schedule by prioritizing, as mentioned above, but also by giving yourself adequate cut off times for you to engage in other activities that are not necessarily work related.

Just Say No!

Don’t say Yes because you are afraid of saying No. Over time I have learned that saying No is perfectly within my rights. You don’t have to be a people pleaser all the time. So if you can’t do it, or don’t want to do it, just say No! The world won’t end and whatever it is that is being asked can get done another way.

Allow Time For Yourself

Rest and restoration are basic for doing your most gainful work and for helping you overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed. Just as you permit time for friends and family you should permit time for yourself  Take a walk, go to the exercise center, indulge in a hobby, or anything else that helps you disconnect from work and reconnect to yourself.

Find Ways to Lessen Your Anxiety

Feeling overwhelmed and anxious almost go hand in hand. One can certainly aggravate the other. Find techniques to lessen your anxiety during the day so as to keep you steadily working toward your goals. It could be anything like taking a short walk, or just allowing yourself five minutes to rest your mind. Whatever techniques work for you use them and remember to breathe and work steadily on your priorities. Anxiety in the end won’t help, it will hurt you, so controlling it is key. 

In conclusion, feeling overwhelmed does not need to be your default state of mind. Above are some tips that I have outlined to help you take charge. Use these as a starting point and work on developing other things that work for you. Anything you can do to help yourself feel less burdened is fair game!


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