Oakland Park Issues Safer at Home Emergency Order 2020-03


Today Oakland Park Mayor Matthew Sparks signed the Safer At Home Emergency Order 2020-03. The order states:

As of today, the City of Oakland Park is aware of confirmed cases of COVID-19 within its jurisdictional boundaries. To limit the potential community spread of COVID-19, it is now necessary for the City of Oakland Park to implement restrictions for the general health, safety, and welfare of the community.  

According to Mayor Sparks, the decision to issue the emergency order came after much consideration regarding the best means to keep the community safe. “We did not pull this from thin air”, Mayor Sparks shares, “we looked at all emergency orders and found the most cohesive”

Essential activities like grocery shopping are allowed, but maintaining a safe social distance is recommended.

This order is different from the County order because it does not suggest citizens to stay at home, it orders them to. This means that the order is now enforceable by BSO. 

The order also prohibits gathering of 4 or more people unless those people are immediate family. It also stipulates guidelines for safe social distancing, screening of employees in essential businesses and cleaning procedures. 

The key to this emergency order is to get everyone think before they act,  “‘Am I putting myself or someone else in harm’s way?is what people should ask themselves before they do anything”, Mayor Sparks conveys. The idea is basically to enforce common sense guidelines to keep the community at large safe. 

The order goes into effect on March 28, 2019 at 12:01 AM.

The order is timely considering cases COVID-19 in Oakland Park have surged from 9 to 13 in just under a week. 

Emergency Order

Read the full emergency order below to understand how it affects you:


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