Oakland Park Mayor Declares State of Emergency Over the Coronavirus


Just after 12:00 PM today Oakland Park Mayor declared a state of emergency and postponing various City events. Postponed events include the Local Government Academy Graduation scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday March 12), the Annual Youth Day Parade, and Big Reveal Community Dinner, in which the City was going to share the new plans for the City Park. The City’s facility rentals have also been suspended as City officials continue to actively monitor the situation.

Coronavirus: Broward County in State of Emergency

According to Oakland Park Mayor, Matt Sparks, the decision was made after Broward County issued a state of emergency yesterday and urged cities to follow suit. 

Mayor Matt Sparks took the decision after Broward County issued a state of emergency.

This should come as no surprise to Oakland Parkers. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the first case of the virus was reported in the United States on January 19 2020 after a 35 year old man checked into an urgent care clinic in Washington State. He stated that he had recently returned from China and decided to check into the clinic after he saw reports of the virus. 

Since then news about the virus and the virus itself has spread like wildfire. This has raised Americans concerns for their health and well-being. 

According to the Florida Department of Health, as of March 10 there 21 confirmed diagnoses. Four of those were in Broward County and all those diagnosed were over 65 years of age.

As of 11:26 am today the Florida Department of Health published the following information regarding the virus: 

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Positive Cases of COVID-19

21 – Florida Residents
5 – Florida Cases Repatriated
2 – Non-Florida resident


2 – Florida Residents

Number of Negative Test Results


Number of Pending Test Results


Number of People Under Public Health Monitoring

353 – currently being monitored
1230 – people monitored to date

Steering Clear of the Coronavirus

It is prudent to follow safety precautions and protocols in order to steer clear from the virus.  Living In Oakland Park’s Health Team Nurse Practitioners Kim Kodzik and Erica Tercha, from the Oakland Park Wellness Center recommend the following :

1. Wash hands often. Twenty seconds is the magic number, using soap and warm water. Hand sanitizers at least 60 percent alcohol are a good alternative.

2. Avoid touching your face.

3. Steer clear of people who are sick. Especially if high risk such as elderly adult or immunocompromised.

4. Watch for fever, coughing and shortness of breath.

5. Stay home if your sick.

6. Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or inner elbow when coughing or sneezing, then immediately wash your hands.

7. Wear a face mask only if you are sick.

8. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.

9. Turn the TV and news off around children and talk to them.

10. Stay calm.


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