Oakland Park Putts to Help One of Its Own


On January 5 of this year Jack White, an Oakland Park resident lovingly known as Saint Jack, and his wife Melissa were out riding their motorcycle. At some point during the ride Jack told Melissa to hang on just before they crashed.  Neither rider was wearing a helmet so the details of what caused them to crash are unclear. They were both severely injured and the accident changed their lives forever.

Jack and Melissa White during happier days.
Jack suffered debilitating brain trauma and is still in rehab recovering. He no longer needs a feeding tube but he still cannot speak coherently or walk on his own. Melissa has underwent 11 surgeries and while she is working again part-time she hopes she will not need another surgery. 

More and More Medical Bills

Melissa’s income helps cover some bills but it is not enough to cover their living expensive and medical bills. Jack still needs constant medical attention and rehabilitation. The bills are piling up quicker than the Whites can pay them. Friends and family have helped out but more help is needed in order to help the Whites through this difficult time.

Come Putt, Have Fun and Help the Whites

Debbie Blakely, owner of Oakland Park’s Big Dog Station and long-time friend of the Whites, has supported them throughout their struggle. This weekend Debbie is hosting the Putt Fore Jack White Benefit at Big Dog Station in downtown Oakland Park from 12-9PM.

Big Dog Station will set up its epic pop-up mini-golf course. Participants will be putting fore with all proceeds benefitting our beloved Melissa and Jack White.

The event will feature entertainment and drink specials, as well as a contests for best-dressed teams and individuals, best hole design, best scores and more. The event also includes a raffle with  big-ticket items like African Safari, Pensacola Weekend Getaway, Tiki Cruisin’ cruise and much more!

So get your plaid and putter ready to help out fellow Oakland Parker, Jack White and his wife Melissa!


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