
Living In Oakland Park

Oakland Park's Community News Source

History: The Florida Purchase, Bargain Of The Century?

A Paradise Called Florida Miami Vice is iconic of Florida. Alligators, airboats, beaches, boats, canals, cattle, cocaine, cowboys, discos, Disney, drugs, drag queens, ecstasy, fashion, Ferraris, fitness, food, football, Gators, hanging chads, Hard Rock, hot, humid, intracoastal, jets, kayaking, Latinos, luxury cars, Maseratis, Merengue, nightclubs, oranges, paradise, quinces, raves, real estate, rivers, rodeos, Salsa, Scuba […]

Virgin Sightings In Oakland Park?

Brightline in Oakland Park In January 2018, All Aboard Florida, a privately owned company which owns and operates the Brightline trains began service along the Florida East Coast (FEC) Railway. For those of us who live in Oakland Park that meant the occasional stop on either side of Dixie Highway to let the high-speed Brightline […]

Meet Master Doll Couturier: Ayal Armon

Since he rediscovered dolls Ayal has literally worked on hundreds of outfits for dolls. The miniature couture that he elaborates and brings to life are made with a love and care that can only be born from the hands of a true master.

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