Lacuna Design: Transforming Wood Into Custom Art

The dictionary will define “lacuna” as a noun and it is defined two ways. One definition is a blank space, or a missing part. The other definition is a small cavity or pit in an anatomical structure. Though Lacuna Design Studios’ name was inspired by an Italian rock band from Italy, Lacuna Coil, the name […]

Originality, Imagination, Creativity: The Legacy of Peter Olsen

It’s not everyday you come across a body of work that feels as though it belongs in an archive along side the creative works of Michelangelo. Peter Olsen, a New York native who came to south Florida to live in what he calls paradise, could be considered one of the most prolific artists in our […]

Meet Master Doll Couturier: Ayal Armon

Since he rediscovered dolls Ayal has literally worked on hundreds of outfits for dolls. The miniature couture that he elaborates and brings to life are made with a love and care that can only be born from the hands of a true master.

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