Oakland Park's Community News Source

Meet Our New City Commission


After months of campaigning under some of the most difficult times in the history of our country, yesterday Oakland Park welcomed its new City Commission. Two Commissioners, Mitch Rosenwald and Aisha Gordon are serving for the first time. Matthew Sparks Oakland Park’s Mayor from 2019-2020 won his reelection campaign and was sworn in for a second term. Commissioner Michael Carn was inaugurated as Vice Mayor, and Jane Bolin, formerly Vice Mayor began her term as Mayor. 

Social Distance at the Inauguration

Due to safety precautions the City held the event outside so that attendees could remain at a safe social distance. David Hebert, the City Manager, welcomed the guests and the inauguration commenced first and foremost to our flag and country.

Matt Sparks is sworn in for a second term.
Dr. Mitch Rosenwald takes the oath of office for the first time.
Aisha Gordon takes her oath of office while her family stands beside her.
Commissioner Michael Carn is sworn in as Vice Mayor.

After the national anthem, Renee Shrout, the City Clerk swore in the commissioners one by one. Matthew Sparks was sworn in first, followed by Mitch Rosenwald and Aisha Gordon. Michael Carn was then sworn in as Vice Mayor and Jane Bolin was sworn in as the City’s new Mayor. 

Jane Bolin Begins Her Term as Oakland Park's Mayor

Bolin began her acceptance speech by giving gratitude and thanks to the residents, business owners, neighbors and friends who provided her with the honor of serving the “great City of Oakland Park”. She further acknowledged how grateful she was to work with her colleagues in leading the City together. She expressed her profound appreciation of the City Manager and the City’s staff for their tireless efforts in building for Oakland Park’s second century. Lastly she thanked her family and friends for their support.

Bolin’s speech began by pointing out that the diverse make-up of Oakland Park was a reflection of our country.

“As your Mayor I believe it is the Commission’s charge to continue progress and growth. We are committed to the Oakland Park culture of inclusion of all people and celebration of all people…we are committed to caring for our communties…we are committed to being stewards of mother earth…We cannot fulfill on those commitments alone, it takes a combination, the voice and commitment of the community, the leadership of the Commission and a professional execution by staff to make that all work”.

Mayor Bolin Emphasizes Diversity

Bolin concluded by issuing a challenge to all of Oakland Park’s stakeholders to engage in professional and courteous dialogue especially in moments of disagreement. She urged people to remember that everyone has a different point of view. She emphasized that diversity of thought and diversity of perspective is what we celebrate. “We can be united and we can be diverse…Let us join forces to continue to move the City of Oakland Park, the State of Florida and the United States of America toward unity”.

Watch the entire ceremony on our YouTube channel:

Stay tuned to for more information about our City and its new City Commission. 


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